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LeadPages vs Click Funnels

ClickFunnels vs LeadPages

If you're reading this review, you're looking for which landing page builder software tool is superior, ClickFunnels or LeadPages. ClickFunnels is currently the superior tool when it comes to sales funnels at this point in time.

It's easy to spot LeadPages as most landing page templates use the same theme.

Both tools are effective for building landing pages but we look deeper to find whether this ClickFunnels review or LeadPages review is a better sales funnel solution.

Well known internet marketer Russell Brunson (founder of DotCom Secrets) has launched ClickFunnels (this week publicly at the time of writing this) which aims to be an all in one online marketer's wet dream. ClickFunnels is said to be able to create easy, high converting landing pages.

While on the other side of the landing page fence, we have the super clean, simple, actionable LeadPages who have taken sexy converting landing pages and marketing to a whole new level.

After reading this guide, we hope that you have the info needed to choose the best platform for your next landing page.

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is now a fairly mature service developed by Russell Brunson and his team. It's now been up and running for more than 3 years at the time of this Clickfunnels review. As a quick aside, I learned about ClickFunnels through Russell's new book DotCom Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company Online. If you want to learn how to sell products, then I highly recommend using Clickfunnels.

ClickFunnels Review vs. LeadPages Comparison

ClickFunnels provides complete sales funnels you can drive leads and buyers toOnly allows you to gather leads for your businessProcesses payments digitally and integrates with Stripe, Recurly, NMI and more.Doesn't integrate with payment processors to take paymentsHas a flexible page builder to custom build pagesAlso has a drag and drop builder recently introduced (a bit hard to maneuver)Allows for upsells and downsellsDoesn't have an option for upsells and downsellsIncludes an AutoResponder and Affiliate Management toolDoesn't include an AutoResponder or Affiliate Management toolAdvanced sales funnel analyticsBasic page and conversion analytics

Unlike competitor products that allow you to create single standalone pages, ClickFunnels is all about building different types of marketing funnels. A funnel is basically a series of pages your visitors go through to reach a certain goal, and when built with ClickFunnels, it might look like this.

So what I'm here to do today is to go through some of the features of these easy to use platforms and see which one takes the cake.

And yes, we are comparing apples with oranges on the whole….HOWEVER, there are overlaps between ClickFunnels and Leadpages, which people might wonder about.

So let's get into this ClickFunnels Review and LeadPages Review. The Cage Match begins!


ClickFunnels Pricing vs. LeadPages Pricing

ClickFunnels pricing options include ClickFunnelsLeadPages$97/mo – Just ClickFunnels sales funnel builder tool$37/mo – Very limited opt-in pages and limited integrations$297/mo – Entire Etison Suite which includes ClickFunnels (Unlimited), BackPack and Actionetics$79/mo – Same as above including Split Testing, Lead Digits & Lead Links$997/6 months

Funnel Hacks Package unlimited Etison Suite + Sales Funnel Training$2400/yr – Complete LeadPages package and features and training (Only available annually)

ClickFunnels startup plan is limited to 20,000 visitors and 100 pages. Once you exceed the 20,000 visitors, a ClickFunnels owned affiliate badge will be added to all of your funnel pages. If you need more than 100 pages, you will need to upgrade to the Etison Suite pricing plan to continue building your sales funnels.

At the time of this ClickFunnels review, ClickFunnels and LeadPages both offer monthly no lock in contract options and yearly subscriptions are available for both companies.

ClickFunnels (again at the time of writing) offers a 14 Day Trial for all new members to test out their platform, while LeadPages has never (as far as I know) offered a free trial to their members, only 30 Day Money Back Guarantee so they can cancel from within their account at any time and receive a full refund. A free trial offers a new user an opportunity to test the waters before making a financial investment in any one page builder tool. In this case, ClickFunnels takes the cake.

Click Funnels uses a direct up-sell to offer you a yearly alternative with 2 months free, along with double the visits, funnels and pages. So similarly to LeadPages offering 20% and 30% off on their accounts when signing up on their Yearly plans, this only appears to ClickFunnels member's once they have made a purchase.

Now while this might change (and likely will, after data is aggregated from their launch) it just highlights the different mechanisms in pricing and how both companies offers are positioned.

LeadPages offers its Annual and 2 Year Billing (most recently added) upfront to all their customers while ClickFunnels (naturally) uses their funnel through a direct up-sell. I really would like to dissect both of their checkout forms at a later date as if you dive deep into what they have done, why they have designed parts of the pages the way they have, you'll stand back in awe at the ingenious conversion masters that they are.

Another up-sell that ClickFunnels use on their checkout page is their one-off eBook sale as you can see below for $47. Expect to see their checkout pages being split tested a fair bit (I've already seen this box below in a few different colors!)

Page Designs Comparison

ClickFunnels Landing Page Designs

It's super refreshing to see a platform with some new pages, kind of reminds me of Unbounce. As you can see in the image above, their range of page designs is quite vast (this is only for Opt Ins) and can be used in a number of ways. While they may not look as sexy as LeadPages landing pages right off the bat, at the end of the day all that matters is the conversion rates.


These are the LeadPages templates we all know and love. Frankly, I still love how they continue to add new pages and update constantly. Exactly why I have been one of their customers for so long! They're sexy and you can sort them by conversion, what more could you want?

The Bottom Line

The bottom line, there are a few things I'd like to highlight for the pages available. ClickFunnels only lets you access certain pages and funnels based on your account level ($97+ gets you all the access) where LeadPages lets you access everything from $37. Having said that, as seen in the pricing table, split tests are not included in a LeadPages basic plan.

Again, until the full list is unlocked in the launch, it will be difficult to give an accurate judgment on which platform has more pages and what types of pages they have. We'll most likely compare more of their features in future blog posts.

And on a more personal level, you can choose which dashboard you like to use as well. LeadPages has a nice clean dashboard, while ClickFunnels uses flat images and icons throughout their platform.

The Editor

This is a very important part of measuring conversion and will play a big role in how widespread the templates are used so they don't become saturated. Personally, one of the only drawbacks (if you could even call it a drawback) to LeadPages is that they were so good, that now most well known (and even novice) internet marketers are using the platform for Facebook Ads left right and center due to its ease of use.

LeadPages Editor

This means that you can recognize a LeadPage (Landing Page) from a mile away and when people (the normal non-internet marketers) start noticing the similarity between all these page designs it'll be more obvious that people are trying to squeeze a lead out of them. Having said that, I'm confident the crew at LeadPages will be smart enough to adapt and start churning out more high-quality pages more often to give their users more variety.

Where, as you'll see in the screenshots provided, ClickFunnels allows for heavy customization's to be made to their templates.

ClickFunnels Editor

From creating an entire page from scratch to setting up and moving around videos, text, opt-in buttons, bullet points…really anything you want, you can create a beast of a page to suit your desires.

Having said that I personally prefer to have that added customization options in a controlled environment like UnBounce and OptimizePress.

The Support

Support is a major concern when working with internet marketing software as a lot of companies fail, outsource or provide a shocking knowledge base and expect everyone to do their own thing.


ClickFunnels offers Priority Phone Support to their Enterprise members along with Priority Template Requests.

Those two support options are not available to any of the other accounts according to their pricing table in their knowledge-base.

While all other accounts receive regular email support.


As seen on their pricing table, LeadPages customers receive a little more support than ClickFunnels members do.

Regular members receive Only email, Pro Members receive Live Chat and email, and their Enterprise Members receive email, live chat and phone support.

It's unclear whether ClickFunnels will offer Live Chat support at this time to their customers, but at this stage it looks like LeadPages have made it clear to their members that if you're someone who may need help you're better off signing up to their more expensive plans.

The Affiliate Programs

I'm going to keep this one fairly short and just give you the straight up facts. But being an affiliate for these two products can make you a lot of money if you're a blogger, podcaster or do any type of work on the internet.

I know for a fact people like John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire makes a killing with LeadPages and I'm really excited to see what happens with ClickFunnels now that it's launched to see which big names JV with Russel to launch this product.


It appears you do not need to be a member to start becoming an affiliate for this product.

·         35% Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Commissions


You can only become an affiliate if you're an active member of their LeadPages Pro account.

·         30% Lifetime Recurring Affiliate Commissions

The Integration of 3rd Party Applications

Integration is an important part of both platforms as not having enough 3rd party integration will limit the potential users which you can target to sign up to your product.

Neither of the companies have any major issues as they support the main email marketing companies (Your aWebers, Mail Chimps etc.).

But let's have a closer look.


If you have a look at one of ClickFunnels videos they preach that their beta testers have all said going forward you only need ClickFunnels and an email marketing application for the rest of your marketing.

Which if that was the case, it would be pretty amazing.

Keep in mind, ClickFunnels integrates with merchants as well, seeing as their pages can be used to checkout and make payments for tripwires, core products, high ticket products and much more.

But here's a list of the Clickfunnel integrations currently on offer:

Payment Integrations:

·         Infusionsoft

·         WarriroPlus

·         BackPackCRM

·         ClickBank

·         OntraPort

·         Stripe

Email Integrations:

·         aWeber

·         GetResponse

·         MailChimp

·         GoToWebinar Form

·         Office AutoPilot Tagging

·         Infusionsoft

·         Maropost

·         Constant Contact API

·         Interspire

·         ActiveCampaign

·         MadMimi

·         HTML Form Integration


Email Integrations:

·         aWeber

·         SendReach

·         GetResponse / GetResponse 360

·         MailChimp

·         1Shopping Cart

·         Ontraport

·         Constant Contact

·         Mad Mimi

·         iContact

·         Interspire

Webinar Integrations:

·         GoTo Webinar

They also state in their FAQ that if you don't find your chosen integration on their list to contact support so they can make it work for you. Otherwise they'll 'refund your money ASAP'.

LeadPages only offers integrations for email marketing and Webinar at this stage.

The Handy Features

I wanted to add this little section in because both platforms have some really handy features which I think make them stand out in their own unique ways. While these might not be the core of their products, it's definitely something which makes you head turn when you hear about them.

Before I forget, if you're looking for someone to setup your sales funnel for a new product or service, don't hesitate to email me directly here – I respond personally to all messages in 24 hours and we'll make sure you've got a kick ass sales funnel ready to go.

· Digital Asset Delivery (ClickFunnels and LeadPages)

This is a great addition which Leadpages and ClickFunnels both offer to all their accounts. It makes using Clickfunnels for lead magnets super easy to use and works a charm when you are using lots of them at once. The only issue I have with these is that you can't use this with a double opt-in. So you need to make sure that if you're using this on one main list, that it's a single opt-in process.

Although having said that, there's no reason why someone would put in a dodgy email if you're sending them their gift full of goodies to the wrong email address!

· Sharing Your Funnel With Other Members (ClickFunnels Only)

I absolutely love this, and have no doubt that LeadPages will catch on and introduce this very shortly. It's such a simple idea yet so powerful. If you're at an event for example, you could share this with everyone at the current event in the audience so you can show people how successful you high converting funnel is step by step.

As well as if you were in a mastermind, sharing high converting pages and techniques will mean you can start growing and building your funnel a hell of a lot quicker.

· Bonus Template (LeadPages Only)

This was only recently introduced through the LeadPages blog, but I think it's a great template which again will be adopted more widely. It's basically offering a bribe/bonus to members who do not opt in and re-target them using Facebook or whichever re-targeting you choose to use (AdRoll or PerfectAudience).

· Funnel % Click Through Layout + Drag and Drop Pages(ClickFunnels Only)

Now I know you might think, this is the whole reason the software was created so you can see who's moving through the funnel. But LeadPages could have definitely implemented a simple system where they could link up funnels in the same way (and probably will in the near future). It makes it super straight forward to see which funnel is working and which parts of your funnel need tweaking.

I really loved the drag and drop between pages through the funnel. It removes one headache I constantly had with LeadPages which was setting up links to Thank You Pages (I always forgot to add them and then wondered why my Facebook ads weren't working!).

With this setup, it makes your life 1000 times easier and you'll never need to worry about forgetting Thank You pages again.


So after having a look at only some of the main features of the two platforms, and the ease of use of each, it's clear that they both have a lot to offer. Both come from reputable and proven internet marketing backgrounds so you can be confident in using both technologies and getting results.

This might sound strange, but I feel ClickFunnels is more of a 'sneaky' internet marketer's tool simply because of when I registered the up-sell was only available once I ordered, but that might be just me!

Either way, I love some sneakiness every now and again if it yields results! But it really comes down to these main factors:

What's your budget?

If you can use the tools to actually make a profit then using either one of them should be a no-brainer

Do you want something a little more established or the new guy on the block?

ClickFunnels is extremely new while LeadPages is quite established now and has been gaining some momentum.

How much experience do you have?

If I was just starting out I would recommend starting with LeadPages so you have pre-made designs which are less customizable so you can get your head around what's going on. But if you've had a bit of experience or are in the more advanced level, then I think getting a mid ranged ClickFunnels plan would be more appropriate. Either way, I don't think you should cancel one account before the other, until you have had some time to play around and try them both out.

Do you need just landing pages or sales pages?

Click Funnels offers integrations with payment processors so you can start selling right off the bat using their system where as LeadPages is only for leads and currently has no direct payment integration options.

Will you be using the system or will your VA (Virtual Assistant)?

I know a lot of advanced internet marketers have teams of VA's who handle their pages and set ups (as do I), so you want to make sure that they know what they're doing. Most (good/smart) VAs will be able to learn LeadPages pretty quickly as it's been around for a while, but just make sure you have them learn how to use ClickFunnels effectively because the worst thing is spending money on the new software only to have realized nothings been happening the entire time!

Final Notes…

You can expect this post to be updated quite regularly as I am really excited to see where this goes. Like I mentioned earlier, I'll endeavor to keep this post updated as much as possible as new features and changes come up for both companies. I think the internet marketing space will be changing a fair bit in the coming 12-24 months as more people start new online platforms like these to compete for a slice of the pie. *(Also a note, that I am using affiliate links within this post, so if you do want to go purchase either of these two powerhouses, clicking a link will pass me off a little commission!)*

Very interesting times ahead, hopefully whatever happens you keep profiting from these new opportunities!

If you have comments please throw them in below, so I can get back to them as soon as possible!

EDIT 1: 28/9/2014

ClickFunnels have introduced their Webinar Funnel and it's pretty damn awesome. You can really quite easily map out your webinar's registration, confirmation, up-sell, replay…really whatever your heart desires! (take a look at what's on offer below).

While I'm at it, I want to mention their 'reverse launch' where they roll out features over days is a really great unique way to do it. With major competitors like LeadPages, Unbounce, Optimizepress etc. this keeps people one their toes and builds some massive hype.

As you can see they've got a handful of different types of pages which are available under the Webinar Funnels section (the last one is "Misc." which got chopped off at the bottom of the drop down box.)

Now most importantly, this introduces a marketplace of landing pages for LeadPages customers where consumers will be able to purchase pages off other members (100% commissions are given to members). This is going to the largest pool of landing pages with a simple editor interface. This will also lead to 3rd party websites like LeadPages Ninjas and PSDtoLP to start designing + programming pages into LeadPages for customers who want to start making some revenue in the marketplace.

They have already started mentioning big names in the Internet Marketing industry whose landing pages they have published to the marketplace which continue to build and expand LeadPages' authority. Some of these names include Ezra Firestone (Smart Marketer), James Schramko (Super Fast Business) and Ryan Deis s(Digital Marketing)….but no Russell Brunson 😛 (by the way, all those guys are killing it as of late, so kudos to them!)

At the end of the day, this is going to make LeadPages a bigger juggernaut in the industry than it has ever been, so ClickFunnels will need to hustle hard with their points of difference to catch up.

I still love both of these platforms and think that the more competition between them, the better it will become for consumers as productivity and development is brought to market quicker.

Expect another edit on the two companies very soon!

EDIT 2: 7/10/2014

So here's this other edit I was telling you about.

It looks like I've come to the end of my two-week trail of ClickFunnels and am now going to be billed. It was fun while it lasted, but I have no issues paying for an account with great software.

One thing which stuck out to me recently was the incredible support of ClickFunnels. One thing which really annoys me when I pay for software with any company is horrible support and being routed to 'some tech guy'.

But with ClickFunnels I've submitted 3 tickets with at least a combined 800 words of suggestions and bugs and each time was responded back in 12 hours with a name behind the computer who I can actually reach out to. They also went above and beyond telling me xxx programmer and xxx designer are working on the issue and other users have faced the same ones.

This to me is a big stand out from the crowd.

In the mean time I haven't been using LeadPages all that much recently I must admit but I will still be likely to hang on to my account.

Until I see the marketplace in action and see if there's some new templates I fancy that is….because who doesn't love to spend money on high converting templates for their business which bring in more sales right?

However for me personally, the biggest feature ClickFunnels have released is their Membership Funnel.

Being able to support an entire membership site in their software is phenomenal, and a membership funnel to build around it is exactly what I've been looking for after deep research into the available options available before I launched Meggle Masterclass.

I'm sure I'll make another update to this post very soon!

EDIT 3: 9/10/2014

After having just attended Russel Brunson's webinar on ClickFunnels Ninja tactics which was pretty much an introduction to the software, he answered one of my questions which I'd been wondering for a while.

Will there be a ClickFunnels marketplace soon?

"Someone just asked if there'll be a marketplace coming out soon and the answer is yes"

Awesome news for ClickFunnels members 🙂

Also not only have are they bringing out a marketplace soon but they mentioned their support have returned every single ticket with an answer in 24 hours (which they have in the 3-4 tickets I have already sent them, usually less than 12 hours!).

So LeadPages has a lot of live up to and the pressure will well and truly be on for them to continue to dominate the market as the number one landing page software.

While I'm at it, if Russell or Clay ever end up reading this I hope they reach out to me so we can do an interview and pick their brains about what's in store for both companies.

More updates will continue to be made on this post so hopefully see more innovation in these companies and they bring to the table some massive results for their customers!

I'm personally looking forward to the new templates ClickFunnels brings out and the new templates LeadPages brings out in their more recently released marketplace.

EDIT 4: 4/1/2015

So it's been a couple of months since the last edit for this post and I thought I'd give you the update on what's been changing between the two companies.

Let's start with LeadPages – as 2014 came to an end, LeadPages released their early adopter's program and the offer was pretty amazing.

They released an offer for about 4-5 days or so before midnight New Years Eve for customer to purchase/upgrade their LeadPages account to gain access to next year's updates for a reduced price.

The two new additions to the LeadPages team were:

1.      LeadDigits

2.      Template Importer

What is LeadDigits all about?

LeadDigits is a mobile lead generation technology which will allow people to text in keywords to a number from all over the world (where the service is offered) and then the visitor will be able to join your email list from there.

For a full explanation on what LeadDigits is from the horses mouth, this is what they wrote:

Once you have access to LeadDigits™, you will be able to ask people to join your email lists, register for your webinars, and even opt-in to receive specific lead magnets — all through SMS text messaging.

In effect, you'll be able to accomplish all the tasks you can now do inside LeadPages™ with either LeadPages™ or LeadBoxes® — only with SMS text messaging instead of sending subscribers to webforms.

For example, let's say you're filming a YouTube video, and you want YouTube viewers to opt-in for your email list. With LeadDigits™, you could simply ask all your viewers to text a specific predetermined word like "enroll" to your LeadDigit™ short code.

Once your YouTube fans text "enroll" to your LeadDigit™ number, they will instantly get a text back asking for their email address. Assuming they respond with their email address, your fans can now be 1) added to your email list, 2) simultaneously registered for your next webinar, and 3) instantly receive an email with your promised lead magnet.

That's all by sending only two SMS text messages.

As you can imagine, the possible applications for LeadDigits™ are practically limitless. But here's the bottom line — anywhere you can tell potential customers to text you is a potential place where you could use LeadDigits™ to grow your audience and customer-base.

Before you ask, I'm on it. I'm a stickler for specifics and details so I asked a few further questions about the service

Will LeadDigits be available worldwide?

Clay's Reply: LeadDigits will eventually be available via a number of international phone numbers. Right now we can't comment on exactly which countries will and will not be on the list.

What are the call costs for someone to opt in via LeadDigits? (just local call costs?)

Clay's Reply: Opt-in costs for opting into lists with LeadDigits will be determined by local carries. We don't set those prices.

Are there any restrictions on number of keywords/messages for LeadDigits?

Kat's Reply: You can use multiple identifiers, with the same short code. So for example, you could use a different identifier for each campaign. You will be able to set up multiple keywords with LeadDigits. As for the exact number, we'll have more details on that in the New Year.

When will LeadDigits be released?

Kat's Reply: We will be rolling out LeadDigits in late February.

What's the website importer all about?

This one's quite self-explanatory, a tool which generates lead pages from existing opt-in pages.

Here's the definition from LeadPages:

Our LeadPages™ Page Importer allows you to turn webpages you own into customizable LeadPages™ templates that you can edit and publish inside LeadPages™.

To use it, simply drop the URL of a web page you own into the LeadPages™ Page Importer and our Importer will transform this page into a new LeadPages™ template that you can quickly modify and use for any purpose in your marketing.

For example, let's say that you have a custom opt-in page that you regularly use for your clients. Rather than paying a designer to customize this page for each individual marketing campaign, you could simply drop this opt-in page into the Page Importer.

Within minutes, you'll have an easy-to-update LeadPages™ template that you can modify for each of your clients' marketing campaigns. Inside LeadPages™, you can also easily integrate this new opt-in page with your clients' CRMs, duplicate it to run split tests, and even publish it on the LeadPages™ server or your clients' Facebook fanpages if you wish.

That's just one example of how you can use the LeadPages™ Page Importer. We look forward to hearing how you're using the Page Importer to quickly scale your marketing.

What was the nitty gritty from this update?

Is it possible to import other people's pages?

Kevin's Reply: You must own the pages and have rights to the pages you import

Will the importer work to import new site templates and then list them directly to the marketplace up for sale?

Clay's Reply: The importer will import site templates. However, all marketplace templates must pass our marketplace approval guidelines and related quality standards.

Finally, how much do these amazing LeadPages updates cost in the Early Adopter program?

So I'm going to leave this update here, I haven't noticed any significant changes on the ClickFunnels side of things just yet.

Some minor updates Click Funnels have included:

·         New landing page designs

·         Addition of integration options available to host pages

·         'How-To' tutorials added in their dashboard to help members

·         Manage Leads in a sort of 'ClickFunnels' Dashboard (I really love this when I'm going through seeing opt-ins…not sure why, think I'm sick of email marketing dashboards)

While writing this edit I'm currently in Bali, Indonesia by the beach, so I'm going to sign off and come back to this within the next 30 days for another update!

If you have any questions, throw them in the comments and I'll get you an accurate answer!

EDIT 5: 20/9/2015

So we're doing a big update on some of the new stuff which ClickFunnels has rolled out now as we near the end of 2015.

One of the main things has been they've rolled out a new user interface! It looks absolutly stunning, and I've got a screenshot below:

You can now start building your funnels based on your goals (a lot more clean and less messy right?)

Another big change they made was their roll out of the two biggest automation parts of the company:

Backpack & Actionetics

We've spoken a lot about how both of these software work and it's been on the agenda for a while but finally ClickFunnels has announced the roll out of them to be October 1st along with a new pricing structure.

What will the new pricing structure be?

The full ClickFunnels suite will include the existing ClickFunnels Enterprise package PLUS Actionetics (Up to 100,000 contacts) and BackPack all for $297/month.

This is essentially what the enterprise plan was with a free inclusion of Actionetics and Backpack absolutely free. (That's a pretty good deal in my opinion).

Now given that these changes are coming, I'm sure there'll be more information on how it'll all happen but ClickFunnels has made a bunch of changes since their launch we discussed at the top of this blog post.

We'll be covering most of them in the features post along with what LeadPages has been up to.

But before we post all the technicalities and specifics over there, they have also announced a competition called their "Dream Car" competition.

If you're a ClickFunnels affiliate and recommend 100 people to their software you'll earn yourself a free car (they'll cover all your lease repayments up to $500 for recommending 100 people, or $1000 if you recommend 200 people or more, pretty crazy deal right?)

Lastly, I'd like to embed two video which ClickFunnels uses (explainer videos) for BackPack and Actionetics.

Both of these (while stunningly designed) really explain the power of the software and what they'll be able to offer to your business – it's pretty mind blowing stuff.

Here's the other post you can read up on all the technicalities and changes which are occurring at ClickFunnels and LeadPages.

This post will be a little more technical with screenshots and everything else too.

EDIT 6: 28/3/2016

Recently ClickFunnels added a few changes to their editor. These changes came very welcomed as the editor hasn't changed too much since the beginning of this blog post review.

Font Awesome & Inline Text Editing

This is a great addition to the editor which now means you can change fonts as well as giving advanced text editing capabilities. With an editor that continues to grow and continues to change, it can only mean bigger and better things for users who want to make stunning looking ClickFunnels pages.

Custom Size Change And Font Type

As you can see in the picture below, the Google font has a ton of different types of fonts and can allow for a lot more creativity in your sales funnel landing page. Additionally, in the field above, you'll notice you can now set a custom size for the text being used in the "headline" element.

This, while it may not look like a major change, makes all the difference in speed of development for your landing pages.

Additional Icons Added & Text Columns

This was one of my personal favourite changes that were made. The way ClickFunnels added more icons to the editor really makes the calls to actions pop!

I think that icons are one of the easiest ways to draw attention to different parts of the page.

Another addition which is quite handy was the "text columns" which you can split into one, two, three or four columns.

EDIT 7: 7/2/2017 (February 7th 2017)

ClickFunnels v2.0 has a new editor!

You heard it here first, that's right. With the new ClickFunnels editor now you can do a a lot more as well as take advantage of what's coming soon in future updates as well!

Feature 1 – Completely New User Interface

As you can see in the video above, ClickFunnels also has a completely brand new interface you can take advantage of. It's beautiful and stunning so you'll be able to design even nicer looking landing pages. The first thing you'll notice about the new interface is the toolbar across the top of the editor and revised looking toolbar alongside the right of the editor.

For more detailed and ongoing information you can read the updated post here: Clickfunnels vs. LeadPages Ongoing Features Battle (Real-time Updates)

The reason I decided to do this, is because this post was getting a little long winded. Most people who come to the page are looking for a summary on which is the better tool and the facts upfront on the core features of both products. I think in the 4,652 words above I've done a half decent job of summing that up.

If you want to stay up to date (and are a bit of a internet marketing software nerd like me) then you can keep reading some of the neat roll outs they have going on in the new post.

I'm still responding to every question and comment so keep them coming in the DISQUS section below!

So let's keep the conversation going on the other thread, see you there!

ClickFunnels Review: Main Takeaways

·         ClickFunnels is a very strong sales funnel tool which you can use to build high converting funnels and sales pages

·         LeadPages is a cheaper alternative if you simply want to focus on lead generation

·         To take payments online with flexibility ClickFunnels makes it very easy

Using a builder like LeadPages allows for a great looking page with minimal work

·         Focus on your marketing message instead of tools, ClickFunnels makes this easy

·         ClickFunnels is a great all in one tool

·         LeadPages doesn't work with affiliate management or CRMs

ClickFunnels FAQ

Is ClickFunnels Legitimate?

ClickFunnels is in fact a legitimate business, providing marketers and businesses a suite of marketing tools that can be used to build a professional sales page, affiliate marketing efforts, complete sales funnels, and more. The learning curve is not steep, as you need time to focus on your project. ClickFunnels provides a wealth of support options, page templates, and everything you need to get the job done.

What does ClickFunnels do?

ClickFunnels is an online sales funnel builder that provides business owners and affiliate marketers everything you need to excel in promoting your products and services, affiliate program, or whatever project you're working on.

What is better than ClickFunnels?

In addition to LeadPages, there are other ClickFunnels alternatives for building your sales funnels. These sales funnel builders include:

·         GetResponse Sales Funnels

·         Thrive Themes Sales Funnels

·         Instapage Sales Funnels

·         Unbounce Sales Funnels

·         Builderall Sales Funnels

·         InstaBuilder Sales Funnels

·         OptimizePress Sales Funnels

Several of these tools offer a free trial, so if you're not sure on which would be best for your needs, check out the free trial options on each tool's website.

If you are considering using another tool, just keep in mind that ClickFunnels ease of use has made it the go-to tool for everything from eCommerce sales to affiliate marketing.

How much is ClickFunnels worth?

As of March 2020, ClickFunnels is worth of $360 million.

What is a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is a marketing strategy built to convert cold prospects into long term customers.

Solid sales funnels have 5 key stages:

1.      Top of the sales funnel

2.      Middle of the sales funnel

3.      Bottom of the sales funnel

What is A/B testing, and how can it be used in your sales funnel?

A/B testing is the process of comparing two versions of your sales page. This test tells you which sales page is the most popular for your audience based on metrics such as time on page or conversion rate.

By improving your conversion rate, you ensure that you are driving high converting traffic to your products and services or affiliate program page. By using a funnel builder or landing page builder like ClickFunnels, you can be assured of a short learning curve and realize success with marketing your offering.

Does ClickFunnels offer an affiliate program.

Yes, ClickFunnels does offer an affiliate program and it's a great way to add an additional stream of income to your business. The creators of ClickFunnels pride themselves on the tools ease of use, as it's easy to use with features such as the landing page builder, drag and drop editor, and more.

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