
What Animals And Plants Live In The Different Areas Of The Ocean?

Marine Biome

The marine biome is the largest biome in the world. It takes upwards a whopping seventy% of the Earth and accounts for ninety% of the world's water supply. This biome boasts of more than 230 distinct species. Marine biome is characterized by salty waters that have a lot of biodiversity making upwardly numerous complex ecosystems. The marine biome is prestigious due to it's a biotic factors. The absence of a biotic factors means oceans would be lifeless. The sun is essential to this biome as it provides the sunlight needed for algae and phytoplankton, which are the cornerstone of the ocean's food concatenation. H2o depth and h2o temperature significantly bear on the life that exists in this biome.

Marine biome is a division of aquatic biome, which as well consists of freshwater biome. It is a unique collection of underwater ecosystems, which supports a wide range of animals, plants, and conditions. Marine biome is, essentially, an oceanic ecosystem.

Table of Contents

    • Location
    • Climate
    • Plants
      • Kinds of Marine Plants
    • Animals
  • Types of Marine Biomes
    • Oceans
    • Coral reefs
    • Estuaries

sea-ocean-underwater-turtle Location

Marine biome is institute in 5 main oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern ocean.


Marine biome experiences an average temperature of 39 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). The sea biome is naturally colder at the Southward Pole, but as y'all approach the equator, it becomes warmer because the sun rays strike the water surface directly. Marine species are continually impacted past any change in climatic condition. The oceans are frequently disturbed past oceans waves and currents. This phenomenon causes typhoons and hurricanes, which may not have any touch on on many marine species.

However, species similar fish, polar carry, Plankton, seals, ocean lions, walruses, seabirds, and penguins are oftentimes impacted by the typhoons and hurricanes. Some species take mastered to adjust to these seasonal disasters; they migrate to safer places when disaster strikes or when it'due south nearly to strike. The high temperature is some other aspect that impacts species in the marine biome. High temperatures accept contributed to lots of marine decease. The high temperatures cause coral bleaching, which has since resulted in seventy% of marine death throughout the earth.

The soil in this biome is constantly wet because of the water. Marine biome consists of water life, which makes the soil ever moisture.


There are 2 major kinds of plants hither; the bounding main grasses and the algae and seaweeds. Seaweeds fall into the family of the most sophisticated plants. Algae and seaweeds manifest simple forms and are typically microscopic. Plants in the marine biome vary from minute single-celled organisms to large, circuitous forms. Marine plants naturally grow near the surface of the water to harness the sunlight for photosynthesis. They besides collect nutrients from particles done up from the seafloor by currents. Some plants thrive deep into the ocean where at that place is no sunlight. These plants, called phosphorescent, produce chemic lights.

Kinds of Marine Plants


The smallest plants thriving in the marine biome are phytoplankton. They are unmarried-celled plants and are the cornerstone of the marine nutrient chain.

Dark-green algae (Chlorophyta)

Greenish algae represent the most pop marine establish. Chlorophyll content gives these plants their feature bright light-green color. When these plant species leave lapidify, they contribute to the layers on the ocean floor. Statistically, 200,000 algae species exist in marine biomes despite the fact that only 36,000 have been constitute.

Cherry algae (Rhodophyta)

Red algae are the largest and most diverse plant species in the marine biome. They owe their colour to the paint phycoerythrin. Some even stick themselves to corals and create reefs eventually. Both carmine and green algae species favor cold and warm water. Brown algae, on the other hand, besides known equally Phaeophyta due to fucoxanthin pigmentation, favor cold or temperate water. A few brownish algae species exist in the tropics.

Chocolate-brown algae are the most pop found species on reefs. Blue-green alga (blue-green bacteria, previous referred to as blue-greenish algae, are chiefly microscopic strands. These microscopic strands convert nitrogen derived from the atmosphere into forms that are able to be used past other marine plants.

Marine biome plants typically alive in various habitats throughout the earth, including open up seas, salt marshes or nearly shores. For example, the Behemothic Kelp (seaweed mostly found in the South Pacific) grows in colonies in the warm coastal waters. On the reverse, sea water ice algae, grows on floating ice sheets.

Marine biome plants have various roles. Marine biome plants, mainly, sea grasses and macro algae, offer shelter and nourishment for many animals. Marine plants help corals to build up reefs. The reefs are then held intact by plants similar coralline algae. Algae typically live inside certain marine animals. Coral tissues are abode to millions of algae per square inch. Marine plants are the sources of nutrients for the corals.

Algae can also be found in panels inside gigantic clams, in flatworms and sponges. Marine plants also play a significant role in kelp bed forests; they serve as habitats and food for the wide range of animals like eels, octopi, and seals.


Marine biome is home to a wide variety of animals. The animals obtain food from plants and small animals within this biome. The same plants provide animals with shelter. Some broad categories of animals that live in the marine biome include fish, whales, crustaceans, mollusks, ocean anemones, fungi, and bacteria.

Tiger Shark

Feed on fish, marine mammals, seabirds, crustaceans and mollusks. They live near coastlines in the tropical and subtropical waters. Tiger Sharks accept sharp teeth to devour their prey.

Grey Whale

Their principal source of food is small crustacean-similar amphipods and tubeworms. They mainly live in shallow waters of the North Pacific Ocean. Gray Whales have long streamlined bodies to effortlessly glide through the water.


Feeds on oysters, plankton, and clams. It's mainly found in Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans. Information technology has a calcareous skin for regeneration and protection.

Bounding main Horse

Sea Horse feeds on shrimps. It lives in coral reefs and seagrass beds in tropical waters. Sea Horse has mobile eyes that can see without moving. The male carries fertilized eggs, contrary to the belief that the female is supposed to carry the egg.

Other animals types in the marine biome include black tip reef shark, blue tang, manatees, dugongs, convict tang, box crab just to name a few.

Types of Marine Biomes

There are 3 types of marine biomes:

  1. Oceans

Oceans are the largest types of marine biomes with a huge assortment of organisms. They bond with the land habitat through the inter-tidal zone (where tides ascent and fall). Even so, the land and ocean piece of work mitt-in-mitt to ship oestrus and water throughout the earth.

  1. Coral reefs

Coral reefs are underwater limestone structures generated by minute invertebrate fauna species known as corals. Coral reefs only develop in shallow, Tropical Sea. These animals secrete limestone (calcium carbonate) to develop an external skeleton. They unremarkably live in groups, and the skeletal textile continues to develop to form a reef. Coral reefs are home to numerous marine biome organisms, as well as over iv,000 tropical fish species.

  1. Estuaries

Estuaries are, basically, bays where rivers empty into oceans. They are typically semi-enclosed, which makes them protected areas. The surrounding waters are nutrient-packed coming from the rivers, and they are shallow plenty to let penetration of sunlight to aid photosynthesis. Due to this aspect, estuaries are brimming with marine life.

Photograph by: tpsdave


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